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Registration is $80 per ticket

Tickets can be purchased one of three ways: mailing in payment; online at the Canby High School's website Payment Portal; and at occasional pop-up ticket tables.

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Interested in Donating? 

At Canby GAP we are proud to offer multiple ways and levels for individuals and businesses to donate to the graduation all night party. You will find our current donation letter at the button on the right and any additional questions can be answered by contacting directly from the letter. Thank you for considering donating!


You can help out by donating gift cards for giveaways, or monetary donations for food, prizes, gift cards, decorations and so much more! Click the link below to find out where to submit your donations.

You can also help by donating your time! Our entire organization is comprised of parent and non-parent volunteers and we always have room for more! If you would like to volunteer please click the volunteer tab to view opportunities.

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